
Recently I rebooted my configuration files and wanted to document the process.

The Goal

I would like a set up that is portable, concise, and version controlled. The dream is I can sit down at a new machine, clone my dot files, and be up an running quickly.

Why Now

Over the past few months I have been experimenting with different editors to get a feel of what other options are out there. I gave Emacs another concerted effort as well as the Spacemacs distribution. VScode and Atom were also explored as options for more IDE like experiences. I found I was very stunted without vim keybindings for text navigation. I am completely brainwashed by modal editing. Many editors have a vim mode which was great, but then I had to figure out how to implement my own custom key maps to match my .vimrc. This became a real pain switching between editors and having to configure each one.

The root of the problem stems from the configuration that went into my original .vimrc. I went overboard with remapping keys and setting lots of options. I think early on I was too quick to add a convenient remap than learning how it’s done the default way. Many packages were also installed using Tim Popes pathogen.vim which was convent at the time. I stuck with pathogen for many years but found myself wanting more out of my vim package manager.

I figured it was time to start fresh!

Burn It All Down


I wanted to clean up my vim configuration as well as my terminal set up. I have been using zsh for many years now as a drop in replacement for bash. I moved my .vimrc and .zshrc to a back up folder in case this experiment went sideways.

I set up a folder called dotfiles which contains a bash script that symlink’s the configurations into the root directory. I like this setup because I can easily version control all of my configurations.

Vim Configuration

  • For a package manager I went with vim-plug a “Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager”. To install packages it is as simple as listing the plugins between begin and end.
    " Plugins will be downloaded under the specified directory.
    call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
  • What is a .vimrc without some packages by Tim Pope! I tried not to go crazy. The vim-sensible package is a set of universal defaults that most people agree on. I also love his vim-commentary package for quickly commenting lines. Pope’s packages are written in a way that they feel like part of base vim, and less like a hack.
    " Tim Pope writes essential plugins
    Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'
    Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
  • For colors I have been using the badwolf color scheme for many years and I still love it. I recently found out that it also comes with a goodwolf color scheme which is a minimal take on color.
    " Steve Losh makes pretty things
    Plug 'sjl/badwolf'
  • I was interested in using some snippets so I went with utilsnips as the engine and vim-snippets as the catalog.
    " A snippet engine and snippet catalog
    Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
    Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
  • I have been editing lots of tex files recently so I install vimtex to better handle latex specific problems
    " Latex plugin
    Plug 'lervag/vimtex'
  • Close out the vim-plug command
    " Plugins become visible to Vim after this call.
    call plug#end()
  • Set up the color
    colorscheme badwolf
  • I messed around with the tabs. I don’t know where I fall on the tabs vs. spaces debate but at the moment spaces are taking precedent.
    " show existing tab with 4 spaces width
    set tabstop=4
    " when indenting with '>', use 4 spaces width
    set shiftwidth=4
    " On pressing tab, insert 4 spaces
    set expandtab
  • Again I have been editing a lot of tex these days so I set up vim to assume I will always be editing LaTeX files instead of plain TeX.
    " Vim defaults to plaintex. I only ever write LaTeX
    let g:tex_flavor = "latex"

I am keeping an eye on things getting out of control, but right now things are feeling good.

Zsh Configuration

I have been please with the oh-my-zsh library of packages and configuration options.

  • For a theme I went with avit which was already very similar.
  • The git package came already installed and I added autojump for better navigation.
    plugins=(git autojump)
  • I set my default editor to vim
    export EDITOR='vim'
  • I added a couple of lines to get my conda environment working correctly
    . /Users/eitanlees/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
    conda activate
  • Finally there were a few aliases I have found convenient. The latex related ones just output all generated files to a folder tmp rather than in the current directory. The lock alias is mac specific, so I can quickly lock my computer from the terminal. I think I could live without the clear alias, so it’s on the short list to be cut.
    alias c='clear'
    alias pdflatex='mkdir -p tmp; pdflatex -output-directory tmp'
    alias latexmk='mkdir -p tmp; latexmk -pdf -outdir=tmp'
    alias lock='/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/ -suspend'

Moving Forward

I hope that I can reign in the desire to go overboard with configuration. I still haven’t created a .bashrc yet. Since bash is by far the most common shell I encounter in the wild, I should have a minimal configuration at hand.

I am keeping all my dotfiles on github (eitanlees/dotfiles) and they are likely to change in the future.

Best of luck future Eitan!